5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Pull-Ups | Fitness Coach Yuvraj Salvi

Our body is built in such a way that it has more pushing strength rather than pulling. That’s the reason why mentally & physically our body chooses to push a object &throw forwards rather than back. This makes our back muscles comparatively weak compared to our chest & shoulder muscles. Due to this phenomena we see more injuries on our posterior (back) part compared to anterior (front) part of the body. This is the reason why many of us learn push-ups more quickly compared to pull-ups. Even at this moment many of us have got good pushing strength but weak to moderate pulling strength.

This makes the pull up challenging & important exercise to learn & master. Doing pull ups regularly is beneficial not only in sport but to improve your overall posture & keep you strong as well as injury free for a long time.

Here are my 5 simple ways with which you can start/improve your pull ups:-

1) Hang on the pull-up bar:-

This is the beginner way to start and challenging also if you hold the bar for a long period of time. If you are just someone who is about to start then prefer hanging with the help of a resistance band. This will decrease the resistance by helping you lift your body up against the gravity. Once you are able to hang for
20-30 seconds you can add a new progression to it.

2) Australian pull-up :-

Also known as the inverted rows are a good way to develop strength in your back muscles which will eventually help you with achieving pull ups. One more advantage of this exercise is that you don’t need to have any other assistance
equipment such as resistance bands (although they are a must have for any person according to me). A parallel bar with some motivation will do the job for you.

3) Pull-up negatives:-

Even if you cant pull yourself up you can at least stop yourself from coming down quickly from the top position of the pull up. This is called the negative pull up. This exercise will build you the strength to achieve even higher number of pull ups. To perform this exercise you would require a box, chair or table so that you can get to the highest position on the pull up bar.

Progress with just lifting your leg up and come down till your arms are totally straight. Just as a guideline it should take your 5 seconds to reach the bottom most position from the top most
position of the exercise.

4) Pull ups with resistance bands:-

Some individuals cant get more than 3-5 pull ups in one set. This is where resistance bands come very handy to us (most versatile equipment available on the market). You can achieve more repetitions using the resistance band and
slowly your muscles would adapt to doing more number of repetitions without the band or with lower level of resistance band than earlier.

5) Pull up to a next level:-

You can certainly start doing more advanced variations which are amazing to watch and are quite challenging to the body. One thing to remember before you try these variations is that you must be able to do at least 10 to 12 repetitions in one set of the standard pull ups.

My favourite picks for advance pull up exercises are archer pull-up, typewriter pull-up, L sit pull-up, clap pull-up, etc. That’s all for this article, I hope that this article turned out to be helpful for you and I have been successful in encouraging everyone of you to start/improve with the pull-up exercise.

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