Nutritional Strategies for travelling cricketers

 Elite cricketer’s schedule demands regular travelling for matches who live in hotels and out of suitcases.  This can pose a number of challenges to meeting nutritional needs. Limited food availability, different standards of food hygiene, wrong timings, quantity of food, unfamiliar foods, and interference with usual routines can see cricketers either, gaining weight, facing problems in the game/training or failing to meet their nutritional requirements. 

And therefore, as a Sports Nutrition expert, I guide cricketers for making healthier choices and do easy to do nutritive meal preps when on tours. For cricketers on tour and travelling in hectic schedule, the following tips may help achieve their dietary goals:


  1. Prioritize and be clear about your nutritional goals and stay committed while travelling.
  2. Do some prior investigation to find out what to expect at your destination.
  3. Pre-organising your accommodation with meals and cooking facilities gives you more control over your meals, helps you make healthier choices and can keep food costs down.  If you choose not to cook, make sure your accommodation is conveniently located near shops and restaurants.
  4. Food safety and hygiene should be major concern as it may lead to stomach upsets.
  5. Take a stock of healthy foods with you so you always have access to something suitable. Breakfast cereal Protein bars, nuts, basic supplements, sports drinks, and fruits are good options to pack.
  6. Try sticking to the meal options in the nutrition and make good choices in restaurants.  Beware of hidden fat, added sugars, about cooking methods and ingredients in restaurant meals. Be free to ask the waiter and request changes if necessary.
  7. Beware of the weather conditions of the match venue and carry super foods accordingly.
  8. Beware of the banned substances that might be used by someone else which might get added to your meal preps.

-By Sayali A.Naik
Exercise & Sports Nutritionist (M.Sc.)


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